Paikka & aika
30 Mar 2021, 12:30 – 14:30 EEST
Hinnerjoenkuja 7, Hinnerjoenkuja 7, 00940 Helsinki, Finland
Tietoa tapahtumasta
Beautician, we invite you to our unique Shor Professional training ReAL-C, which is held in our home office (address: Hinnerjoenkuja 7, 00940 Helsinki).
Come and see the Shor Professional ReAL-C professional series (Israel). The seminar is free and consists of a theoretical part and a demo treatment: Antioxidant rejuvenating treatment ReAL-C. The seminar is intended for new cosmetologists who want to learn about Shor Professional cosmetics.
Shor Professional includes a diverse range of effective and innovative special care products. The training covers the following ReAL-C series and its unique active ingredients.
Medicinal and natural ingredients provide immediate visible results in the treatment of tired, dull and aging skin. We prove this in demo therapy: Antioxidant rejuvenating treatment ReAL-C. The training teaches you how to do that facial. We provide lunch for effective treatments and product sales.
Each seminar participant will receive a wealth of marketing and supporting materials.
The training is organized in small groups (max. 8 people). Places are limited, please register in advance by calling 040 170 60 20 or emailing irina.s@arealgeo.org